The license expiration date is the licensee’s birthdate.
Exams must be monitored by a disinterested third party, and are CLOSED book finals.
Course Provider reports course completion using SBS NAIC Web-Portal for the State of Arkansas.
Failure to comply results in a fine.
Effective January 1, 2011—the renewal period phased into a two (2) year license renewal period.
Producers born in odd year and all producers licensed in 2011:
All producers born in an odd year will owe 24 hours of continuing education with 3 of the 24 hours in ethics
All producers licensed in 2011 will owe 24 hours of continuing education with 3 of the 24 hours being ethics
Title agents will owe 6 hours with 1 of the 6 hours being in ethics
Producers born in even year and all producers licensed in 2012:
All producers born in an even year will owe 24 hours of continuing education with 3 of the 24 hours in ethics
All producers licensed in 2012 will owe 24 hours of continuing education with 3 of the 24 hours being ethics
Title agents will owe 6 hours of continuing education with 1 of the 6 hours being in ethics
A course cannot be repeated within 2 years—this includes ethics courses. The 2 year period is calculated from the completion date.
Producers may carry over excess CE hours up to the number of hours needed to satisfy the CE requirement in the next license term. Excess ethics hours carry over as general credits in the next license term.
Producers now need to complete 3 hours in Ethics every 2 years, as part of their 24 hours CE; For now, our courses are Not Approve for Adjuster Type of License (Adjusters must complete 3 hours of ethics education starting in 2012) and Title agents must complete 1 hour of ethic education annually.
Once a person reaches 60 years of age, or reaches 15 consecutive years of licensure (no breaks in licensure), they can become exempt if licensed as a resident Arkansas producer prior to July 1, 2003. If the person is licensed as a resident Arkansas producer after July 1, 2003, they can never become exempt from Continuing Education.
* To take final exam online
The CLOSED book Exam must be proctored/monitored by a disinterested third party and have no family or financial relationship to the licensee.
Proctor must be present during entire length of final exam
After completing and submitting exam online, a downloadable version of the Appendix G – Affidavit of Proctor form must be printed out from the computer which the exam was taken and signed by the proctor.
— Online Final: Fax Your Test Administrator Affidavit and Get Results
in Only 2 Hours!
After Affidavit has been filled out and signed by proctor, please fax to 619-222-8593
Upon receipt of the Affidavit, you will be given access to print out the certificate of completion for the course that was succesfully completed.
Credits for completion of course will be submitted by roster via Internet to appropriate state insurance department or credit processing firm.