Licensees are required to complete 10 hours of continuing education for each line of insurance license held, not to exceed 20 hours, by the end of birth month every 2 years.
Life/Health alone – 10 hours
Property/Casualty alone – 10 hours
Crop ALONE – 4 hours
Crop and Life/Health – 2 hours Crop and 8 hours Life/Health
Crop and Property/Casualty – 2 hours Crop and 8 hours Property/Casualty
Crop, Property/Casualty and Life/Health – 2 hours crop, 8 hours Property/Casualty and 10 hours Life/Health
Below is a table that shows the next renewal deadline for any current resident producer who renewed on April 30, 2010. There will be a minimum of 24 months to complete your CE requirements prior to your birth month renewal.
Birth month
Renewal Deadline
April 30, 2012
May 31, 2012
June 30, 2012
July 31, 2012
August 31, 2012
September 30, 2012
October 31. 2012
November 30,2012
December 31, 2012
January 31, 2013
February 28, 2013
March 31, 2013
Beginning April 30, 2010 newly licensed resident producers will initially have a 24 – 35 month license in order to allow adequate time for producers to complete full continuing education requirements before their first renewal.
Exemptions for CE requirement
The following producers are exempt from all continuing education requirements:
(1) A licensee holding a limited license to sell only credit life and credit health insurance;
(2) A licensee outside the United States or its territories;
(3) A licensee who is a resident attorney licensed to practice law in the state;
(4) A licensee who is a transportation ticket producer of common carriers holding a limited license to sell only travel accident and baggage insurance;
(5) A licensee who is an employee of a trade association holding a limited license to sell only surety bonds to its association members;
(6) A licensee who is licensed to sell only bail bonds
Exams are non monitored.
Excess credit hours may not be carried forward.
Courses are repeatable every 2 years.
Beginning May 1,2007, course provider is responsible for submitting credit hour completions (rosters) to for the state of South Dakota.
Failure to comply results in a $20 reinstatement fee. A producer who loses his/her license due to nonrenewal (failure to pay the renewal fee) or for not completing their CEC requirement can become reinstated within one year of cancellation by completing all licensing procedures. The producer shall be required to obtain the CEC’s required for the time he was licensed in the two-year period he was cancelled. These CEC’s must be completed before the producer may be reinstated.