Effective, Affordable California Real Estate Courses since 1978
We’ll beat any school’s advertised price! “5-Star Customer Service.” Talk to a real person 6am to 10pm PST. Online courses (printed textbooks available)
We’re located in San Diego
The choice of Top Brokers and Agents in California for 43 years!
Low Price Guarantee: If you find a lower advertised price for these courses at any other school, call us and we ‘ll beat that price.
Work at your own pace — and learn more effectively: Online courses and exams in the most effective learning format! Easily re-read sections, and retain more information.
Printed paperback textbooks and printed exams can also be shipped. Online access is included with every printed textbook order
“Informative, and well-organized” (that’s what our customers say!)
“5-Star Customer Service” (according to our customers)
Over 300,000 CA real estate licensees since 1978 have successfully completed our courses