Producers are required to complete 24 hours of continuing education including 3 hours in Ethics every 2 years.
Each resident producer with the lines of Life, Accident & Health, Property, Casualty or Personal lines shall be required to complete 24 credit hours of NH approved Continuing Education (CE) every 2 years. Of the 24 credits, a minimum of 3 credits but no more than 10 credits; shall be an approved ethics courses.
Multi-Line Adjusters and Worker’s Compensation Adjusters must meet the requirement of 20 credit hours in Multi Line or Workers Comp courses only. Those with Worker’s compensation authority have a minimum of 10 worker’s comp credit requirement. (We DO NOT OFFER ADJUSTER CE Courses)
Public Adjusters are required to complete 15 credit hours of NH approved public adjuster credits. Non-resident Public Adjusters without a continuing education requirement in their resident state must complete 15 credits hours of NH approved continuing education (we do not offer these CE courses, Only for Insurance Producers /Agents)
All licensees who are renewing a license for the first time are exempt from CE.
Producers are to complete credit hours 60 days prior to the license expiration date to avoid penalty fees.
Compliance dates are staggered based on birth month.
Exams are non-monitored.
Courses are repeatable every 2 years.
Excess credit hours may not be carried forward.
Course providers are responsible for reporting course completion to the state.
Failure to comply results in license suspension. NH does not accept late renewals. A new application is required. For those that have expired less than 2 years, the fee is double the license fee and for those who have a CE requirement, they must be CE compliant. If the license has expired more than 2 years, licensee can apply as a new applicant, fulfilling those requirements and paying the fee of a new applicant.