Resident Producers, Resident Adjusters, Non-Resident Adjusters designating Wyoming as their home state, and Resident Consultants must comply with continuing education requirements.
Licensees are required to complete 24 Hours of continuing education Including 3 Hours in Ethics every 2 Years (based on birth month and birth year).
Continuing education filings must be received prior to the expiration date of the license. Continuing Ed filing fee is $30 plus applicable renewal fees.
Exams must be monitored by a disinterested third party.
Excess credits may NOT be carried forward to the next renewal.
Courses are repeatable every 2 years or within a different renewal period.
Course provider and licensee are both responsible for notifying the state of course completion.
There is no grace period for license renewal or continuing education filings. If a licensee fails to complete and report CE by the expiration date, the license will lapse.
If a license is not renewed by the renewal date and the licensee wishes to reinstate a license within twelve (12) months of the lapse, the licensee will be subject to a reinstatement penalty equal to and payable in addition to the license renewal fee. The licensee must submit a new application, the CE Report and CE filing fee (if CE is required and not previously submitted), the renewal fee and the reinstatement penalty fee.
If the license terminated more than twelve (12) months prior to the desired reinstatement, the licensee will be treated as a new applicant. The applicant must apply for a new license, including, if applicable, taking the appropriate examination and providing fingerprints.
Beginning July 1, 2011, non-resident adjusters that are not designating Wyoming as their home state are exempt from CE reporting
* To take final exam online
Exam must be proctored by a disinterested third party
Proctor must be present during entire length of final exam
After completing and submitting exam online, a downloadable version of the Affidavit for Test Administrator form must be printed out from the computer which the exam was taken and signed by the proctor.
? Online Final: Fax Your Test Administrator Affidavit and Get Results
in Only 2 Hours!
After Affidavit has been filled out and signed by proctor, please fax to 619-222-8593
Upon receipt of the Affidavit, you will be given access to print out the certificate of completion for the course that was succesfully completed.
Credits for completion of course will be submitted by roster via first class mail to appropriate state insurance department or credit processing firm.