“Replica” Timed Exams. Each “Replica” Timed Exam includes random questions, covering topics on the California actual real estate broker exam!

Review Mode – take as much time as you’d like to review each question and answer, and access more information to learn more. As you answer each question, you’ll immediately see whether you’re correct, and can view the correct answer for questions you miss. With every answer you’ll receive a full explanation as to why the answer is correct. Plus, access the online California Department of RE Reference Book, or pull up page numbers for the printed Reference Book. Even includes an online calculator.

Online 700-Term Glossary –  puts definitions of real estate words and phrases used in the questions within Review Mode right at your fingertips

Tips To Pass – dozens of tips help to make sure you pass our exam. The tips include math shortcuts, trick questions to watch for, and frequently asked questions which appear on nearly every exam. This is included as a FREE bonus!

The best way to prepare for the California real estate exam is to practice with actual timed exams. Let us help you pass.

We’ve been helping California real estate brokers prepare for the license exam since 1978.

And you can talk to a real person 6am to 10pm PST, 7 days a week. Give us a call now to get started.


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